we are the mystery…the magic of the world…the art of words…we are POETS

Eternal Presence: Descrying Souls

Eternal Presence
And when I called into the darkness
I heard my voice echoed within the stillness
For inside the merciless quake
Where only quietude was allowed to consume
The depths of emotional turmoil sank deeper
And it is there I see a faint flicker
And the lull of someone’s voice singing hymn
Beckoned to the essence I released fear
Standing in the pools of sorrows tears
A sacred lotus opened her perfumery
Offering her soft petals an evocative sense of renewal
I knelt to coddle her pools of the lost & descrying souls
Where only emptiness seemed to live in stillness’s wake
I fell deep into wavering hands reaching
An accompaniment of hearts who understood
And the light grew from inner currents of spirit
Where loss was buried inside the chambering caverns
Eternal presence began releasing the mortal grief
Calling out my spiritual name to the balms of my soul

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