we are the mystery…the magic of the world…the art of words…we are POETS

Romance Romantics

Orchids Of Nadirah

(This is one of my Angel Trumpets!!)

Let’s Step Back Into Time’s Capsule and Revisit The Celtics of Northern Ireland. We are meeting over the lovely Freshwaters of glorious Lough Neagh…not to far from a lover’s castle! Hear the pan flutes!!

Orchids Of Nadirah

I plucked my favorite white star lilies
They are still abloom with the orchids of Nadirah
They have golden throngs for the marsh queen
Casting them to float ashore into eventides morn
Can you see them there in the archaic freshwaters
Kissed by the pearlescent moons over Lough Neagh?

Do you remember our gathering of wild wood sage
Where we discovered the glorious bee orchid and herds of fallow deer
And those perfuming woodlands we gave the flora of our musk too
While our Goidelic songs would echo for miles and miles?

I am told too by the Sparrow Hawks and the Great Crested Grebe
Our names are still inscribed on the sea cliffs
Overseeing the fertile nests of those Whooper Swans
Where you and I discovered the meaning of true love
It is where we walked with our bare feet and emotions
Along those muddy shores with wild flowers and virtue
Hand and hand we were knowing lover’s fortuitous garden

…and the bounty of our selfless intentions

Those star lily petals from my roots in Ireland are still afloat
And the wild grasses where we touched daybreak sing to Gaia
They are said to still be whispering our names over an over
As melodic bird songs sing to the sky overlooking the heaths
And the burned stones of the Shane’s Castle
…ruined by a very different kind of fire I am told.

© 2012 Poetry by: Victoria L. McColley
Photography: Vickie’s Poeticizing Photography

About Poetry Is The Sage by Poet Victoria L. McColley

I LOVE YOU EVERYDAY... your words are the caress that I breath neath the sweetest embrace of your soul a garden fountain that ripples inside my heart perfuming within this divine essence of love's bounty a bouquet of living dreams composing with the sacred muses in You I am alive in You I am expressed in You I am the living poem the poetry of your soul eternal & everlasting

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