we are the mystery…the magic of the world…the art of words…we are POETS

Greater Heights of FAITH with the LORD Our Invisible Shepherd


faith (Photo credit: mademoiselle lavender – in memory of my mom)


IT’S TRUE!! Everyday is a New Day!!!
A new beginning to challenge ourselves into new understanding & awareness into greater heights of faith & greater awe in the Lord!!


Joy (jumping for)

Joy (jumping for) (Photo credit: MichelDignand)

I am so grateful for all the Lord has slam dunked me with in only a mere few weeks!! BAM BAM BAM!!! All those doors I mentioned!! They keep slamming open!! The work of the enemy used to keep them closed & hidden from me. I am in constant AWE!! The Lord really does “giveth & taketh away” I asked the Lord into my heart back when I was a little rag muffin wandering around Lowell, Indiana when I was 8 or 9 years old. I would Be-Bop all through town with runs in my pantyhose trying to look my best for the Lord while going to all the different churches back then. I moved from Lowell after my Mother’s murder which happened Easter Morning 1974. Traumatic!

All the details are rather gruesome from being beat & raped by her sisters husband who came over drunk, and the charges that were filed then her traumatic death. But the Lord took all that grief I had felt inside for my whole life, and washed me clean!! I think sometime in Mid July, I’m not even sure. I can hardly believe it!! Back in 2009 I went to EMDR therapy for this trauma to be healed, which helped allot. I didn’t even realize the Lord took and washed & clensed this grief away from my heart till the other day. The Lord came in ever so softly, and just took all that pain from my heart! BAM!!! Happy Dancers!! Thank You LORD!!!

I am so elated!! The Lord gave me even more JOY as a replacement!! lol I am in wondrous awe & appreciation since this has been my only deep set scar and sorrow that I have carried around with me for my whole life-a very heavy burden. But also it was Self-Pity. (read more here: Self Pity & The Party) He seen I was a captive to it, and set me free!! Such a beautiful blessing too. I love how the Lord is rearranging my thoughts, and my emotions. I was never to far from the Lord as I asked for salvation from the age of 9. But I did wander into “living in the world”…

I kept asking the Lord as I grew older and older to come into my heart, and never leave. But I was living in the ways of the world. I was living my life for me, and what I wanted, but still trying to be in God’s light. It doesn’t work like that. This displeases the Lord. This is why I never felt I was saved. July 21st the Lord visited my soul while at a Spiritual Soaking In His Presence. You can read about this journal day here. Spiritual Soaking Vault Of Heaven.

the joy jump

the joy jump (Photo credit: Leia Speia)

I am so happy to say The Lord is working on me…every single day!! He is showing me a better life with new eyes & new vision & I am so utterly grateful & happy about being here…inside his Canopy!! The Lord is my Invisible Shepherd!! The lantern at my feet!! He can be yours too!! I feel I need to share this with everyone since I never in a million years thought I would ever feel like this, or have the depth of belief & faith as this. I am so excited to be free of the seeds of Satan too. I never realized I contributed to pleasing the enemy by some of things I used to do. Cursing for example, I never thought much of that. When I get frustrated or mad I would cuss. This displeases the Lord & makes Lucifer happy. Pick a side…It’s that simple!! lol

Or too, another example that I never thought much of is dealing with rude people, it’s so easy to fall into their wicked trap of negativity. Yep, been there done that as I participated happily in rebuttal, until the Lord showed me that rude people are in a silent war all their own, and dealing with their turmoil going on inside of them is bringing them to lash out in their own bitterness and resentment, making them deal with jealousy towards others, and discontent in their lives while trying to seek relief in all the wrong ways. (avoiding their need for the Lord) He also told me in people living in tongues of rudeness are little tests from the enemy challenging my faith in the Lord and to discard them. It’s so cool to see rudeness from an enlightened perspective. The work of the enemy is always going to offer displeasure and challenges to those in God’s Light. But with the Lord’s wisdom there is greater armament to not fall into the traps of evil doers.

About Poetry Is The Sage by Poet Victoria L. McColley

I LOVE YOU EVERYDAY... your words are the caress that I breath neath the sweetest embrace of your soul a garden fountain that ripples inside my heart perfuming within this divine essence of love's bounty a bouquet of living dreams composing with the sacred muses in You I am alive in You I am expressed in You I am the living poem the poetry of your soul eternal & everlasting